How much to recover data from hard drive?

The cost of data recovery from a hard drive can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of damage, the amount of data to be recovered, and the service provider. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what influences the cost and how much you might expect to pay:

1. Type of Damage

Logical Failures: These involve issues with the file system or accidental deletion of files. Recovering data from logical failures is generally less expensive, often ranging from $100 to $500. depending on the complexity and amount of data.

Physical Failures: If the hard drive has suffered physical damage, such as a mechanical failure or a head crash, recovery becomes more complex and expensive. Physical recovery often requires specialized equipment and cleanroom environments, costing anywhere from $500 to $2.500 or more.

2. Amount of Data

Small Amounts: Recovering a small amount of data (a few gigabytes) will generally be cheaper, typically in the range of $100 to $300.

Large Amounts: For larger data volumes (hundreds of gigabytes or terabytes), the cost can rise significantly. Recoveries of large amounts of data can range from $500 to $1.500 or more.

3. Service Provider

Local Shops: Local data recovery services might offer lower prices but could have varying levels of expertise and equipment.

Specialized Companies: High-end, specialized data recovery companies with advanced technology and cleanroom facilities might charge more, but they often provide higher success rates and better results.

4. Urgency

Standard Service: Most services offer standard recovery options which might take several days to a week. This is typically the least expensive option.

Emergency Service: If you need data recovered quickly, many companies offer expedited services for an additional fee. Emergency recovery can cost up to double the standard rate, depending on how quickly you need the data.

5. Additional Factors

Diagnosis Fees: Some companies charge a fee just to diagnose the issue, which may or may not be applied towards the final recovery cost.

Data Verification: If you require verification of recovered files or additional services like data transfer, this can also add to the cost.


In general, the cost of data recovery from a hard drive can range from $100 to $2.500 or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. For a more accurate estimate, it’s best to contact several service providers with details about your specific situation and get quotes based on your needs.

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